华盛顿的第一家电视台KING 5入驻美国生活公司1501项目
摘要:华盛顿州西雅图市,2015年3月4日: 在长达63年之久后的今天,西华盛顿的第一家电视台KING 5将在333 Dexter Ave N。建起它未来的家。
华盛顿州西雅图市,2015年3月4日: 在长达63年之久后的今天,西华盛顿的第一家电视台KING 5将在333 Dexter Ave N。建起它未来的家。
KING 5与American Life Inc。合作签署了一份长期租约,因此The Home Team将把它的运营迁至Home Plate中心。中心建成后,KING, KONG 和 NWCN 会搬进底三层,位于Safeco Field的街对面。
这不但是为KING而建,更是为当地传媒界的未来而建的。其设施无论是外观还是功能上,都将非常现代化。纽约HLW的建筑师们精心考量,为我们的传媒蓝图设计打造。员工将会跨平台(电视、有线、数字)工作,他们将体验到新工作流程的美妙,在他们眼前更会有城市与Puget Sound的景色。观众们也将透过街边橱窗的设备中亲眼看到这一改变。
选址在各方面来说都非常棒。作为西雅图新一代娱乐、科技和成长的中心,我们地区最重要的职业体育队伍的归所,以及未来新竞技场的地点。由于考虑到未来可能有大量人流涌入这里,因此KING 5、这座城市和这个地区都非常重视该中心的交通问题。而这周围公共交通非常方便。
这个过程漫长而谨慎,我们非常期待与大家分享个中细节。在即将步入新篇章之际,我们想向我们的过去和前辈致敬。Dorothy Bullitt女士作为一代创新家,在她的时代创建了KING广播公司,而这也正是推动我们此次工程的重要精神遗产。
关于 KING 5
KING 5, The Home Team 是一家位于华盛顿州西雅图市的多平台的传媒公司,隶属于NBC(美国全国广播公司)。KING是美国西北部第一家电视台,由Dorothy Bullitt创办于1948年,现属Gannett Co., Inc.。如今的KING 5在该地区拥有最多当地新闻观众,最本地化,我们的数字平台上每月总计3000万浏览量。
American Life, Inc。 是一家成立于1996年的私人房产开发与投资公司。这家位于SODO地区的公司拥有众多土地,并且不是通过借贷筹款,而是100%通过自有资金进行运作。资金来源主要是来自国内投资者和EB-5移民投资。外籍人士通过EB-5签证投资后,可取得美国绿卡。
Heading for Home Plate
KING, KONG & NWCN will relocate in Seattle’s SoDo neighborhood
Seattle, Washington, March 4, 2015: The next chapter of KING 5’s legacy in Western Washington begins today. After more than 63 years at 333 Dexter Ave N., the region’s first television station will begin building its future home.
A long-term lease between KING 5 and a partnership managed by American Life Inc., makes way for The Home Team to move its operations to the development at Home Plate Center. Once the build-out is complete, KING, KONG and NWCN will occupy the first three floors of the North Building there, directly across the street from Safeco Field。
The move represents more than a new home for KING, but a move into the future of local media. The facility will be modern in look and function. Designed by HLW Architects out of New York City, our changing media landscape was given great consideration; staff across platforms (television, cable, digital) will enjoy the benefit of new work flows and inspiring new views of the city and Puget Sound. And audiences will be able to see the difference with their own eyes, through the windows of the only street-level curbside studio in the market。
The location is ideal in many ways. As a new hub of entertainment, technology and growth in the city of Seattle, the home of our region’s major professional sports teams, and the future site of a new arena. It also offers outstanding access to public transportation. A key consideration as KING 5, the city and the region continue to surge into the future。
The process has been long and thoughtful and we look forward to sharing details with our community. As we move into this next chapter, we will continue to honor our past and the people who got us here. KING Broadcasting was founded by the innovator of her time, Dorothy Bullitt, a legacy that inspires our work today。
KING 5, The Home Team is a multi-platform media company and NBC affiliate based in Seattle, WA. KING was the first television station in the Pacific Northwest, founded in 1948 by Dorothy Bullitt, now owned by Gannett Co., Inc. Today KING 5 is the dominant media company in the region, delivering the largest local news audience, the most local programming and a combined 30 million monthly page views of our digital platforms.
American Life, Inc。, is a private real estate development and investment company established in 1996. As a large landowner in SODO the company typically finances real estate projects with 100% equity capital, without leveraging debt. The source of capital is generally from domestic investors as well as EB-5 immigrant investors. EB-5 visa investment allows a foreign national to obtain a U.S. green card after making the investment。
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