侯胤杰 | House of Attila重述历史

icon 2022-04-13 14:48:42
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Revive the Old Glamor


       Renovations of Aged garden villa is no stranger to NOTHING STUDIO, the team has always been passionate about it. The studio has completed projects ranging from houses of 50-60 square meters to preserved architectures n Heng-Fu Historic and Cultural Area.

       Because of the fondness NOTHING STUDIO has for such houses, the team is even more patient with unique restoration issues, such as problems with the walls, pipes and wires. The team is willing to invest more time and energy to restore the houses' unstoppable charm.

       在House of Attila项目中,法纳兴创始人及主创设计师候胤杰带领团队将整个地基进行了重新处理。因为原建筑已经建成百年,当时的外墙和结构所用建材已经无法匹配到现有的材料,设计师选择使用原来老房子回收的木材,在工厂二次加工后,与系统窗结合,并且加入隔温隔热系统。色彩油漆和外墙的翻新也请来了对上海历史和建筑熟悉的经验老到的师傅,在现场一点一点完成修复,以确保最大程度上的“修旧如旧”。

       During the House of Attila project, Nathan Hou, founder of NOTHING STUDIO and chief designer, and his team repaired the entire foundation of the house. They were unable to find materials to match those originally used for the exterior wall and other structures, as construction of the house was completed a hundred years ago.

       The team decided to use the woods collected during the renovation and repurpose them in the factory to match the systematic windows. They also installed a thermal insulation system.

       The studio invited experienced craftsmen to take care of the color painting and refurb of the exterior walls. They took their time to make sure that the old glamor of the house is brought back to life.

       当一个百年历史、Art Deco风格主导的东方院落遇到当代意式文化,这个重焕生机的空间不仅充满过去和尚未发生的故事,也在当下语境中对“上海老洋房”生出了更加丰富、多元和开放的理解空间。正如候胤杰先生所说:“ 无论是使用回收材料和现代技术连接过去和现在,还是力图以当代设计手法容纳互联网时代的多元文化、价值观,我们想做的始终只有一件事,那就是保护上海石库门风格在近100年的历史中的永恒的魅力。”

       This century-old building in Shanghai had an Art Deco-influenced style, and the team brought in some contemporary Italian cultural elements. The reinvented house becomes a space where the past meets the future. It offers richer and more diverse and open perspectives on Aged garden villa in the current context.

       As Nathan puts it, “We wanted to preserve the lasting appeal of the Shikumen architectural style in Shanghai that has a history spanning one hundred years.”

       “To that end, we applied modern technologies to the recycled materials of the old house to connect the past to the present, and we tried to use today’s design language to incorporate a variety of cultures and values in this Internet era,” said Nathan.


项目名称 | House of Attila

项目地点 | 中国,上海

项目面积 | 500㎡

项目设计 | 法纳兴设计事务所www.nathanhdesign.com

主案设计 | 侯胤杰Nathan

参与设计 | 陈璟、申荣霞、陈仲意

完工时间 | 2022年1月

主要材质 | 艺术大理石、 回收实木地板 、回收实木、 涂料 、定制艺术砖

项目摄影| 郭一


Project Information

Name | House of Attila

Location | Shanghai,China

Floor Space | 500 square meters

Agency | NOTHING STUDIO     www.nathanhdesign.com

Chief Designer | Nathan Hou

Designers | Miki, Pheobe, CHEN Zhongyi.

Time of Completion | Jan. 2022

Materials | marble, recycled wood (floor), coating, customize tile

Photographer | GUO Yi


       NOTHING STUDIO法纳兴设计公司创始人及主创设计师,精品法式艺术设计领军人物,20余年专注现代法式艺术风格,致力于打造现代法式空间美学。

       Nathan is the founder and chief designer of NOTHING STUDIO. As one of the leading figures in French-style artistic design, his career spans over 20 years in pursuing modern French aesthetics in interior design.

       侯胤杰Nathan曾于知名法国设计机构任职总监多年,在积攒扎实的实践经验同时,也建构了完整敏锐地空间美学体系,对现代法式艺术风格沉淀出独到的见解。2011年,侯胤杰Nathan创立NOTHING STUDIO法纳兴室内设计上海有限公司,业务范围涵盖高端私宅、商业空间、酒店项目等。基于对法式风格一以贯之的专注探索,和对中国人生活方式的深入了解,NOTHING STUDIO法纳兴成为少数能够承接从建筑改造、花园设计,到硬装设计、软装搭配以及艺术品收藏等全案诉求的法式生活缔造者,也多次登上《INTERNI》意大利版、《安邸AD》、《ELLE DECORATION家居廊》、《美国室内设计》中文版、《瑞丽家居设计》、《时尚家居》、《设计家》等知名媒体。

       Nathan gained solid experience from his role as the design director at a renowned French design agency. He has formed a comprehensive philosophy on interior aesthetics and developed unique views on modern French-style interior design. 

       Nathan founded NOTHING STUDIO in Shanghai in 2011. The business spans premium private residences, commercial spaces, high-end hotels, and much more. The studio follows a deep understanding on modern French-style interior aesthetics and the Chinese way of living.

       The studio has become a rare comprehensive service provider for building renovations, landscape designs, interior design and furnishings, as well as art collection advisory. It has been featured in magazines such as INTERNI, AD, ELLE DECORATION, Interior Design, Rayli Home, TRENDS HOME and Designer & Designing.


       For Nathan, French-style design is not just a labelled visual symbol or a superficial pattern or repetition. It has become a fundamental element to understand design and life, as evidenced in his years of practice and his ideas on how people live from numerous private residence projects. 

       As a designer who has a strong belief in life and design, Nathan believes the beauty of design comes from a true and purposeful life, and it is his job to fulfill the vision of a better life for residents, and to materialize the images they’ve envisioned about their houses. He also believes that he should be a true practitioner of interior esthetics and philosophy on living that flourish upon French artistic designs.




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