9月27日 精彩呈现
设计与社会屡次接轨,容纳更广大的群众需求,关心各类群体,如何用“设计”改变当下生活现状?用“设计”提升生活品质?以"设计"带动社会关系?第七届751国际设计节以“为众设计(Inspired by Uniqueness)”为主题,以“包容性设计”为主线,将于2017年9月27日-10月6日精彩呈现。为期10天的展期将带来丰富多元的展览项目、设计论坛、设计私房课、特色市集等板块将遍布751D·PARK园区,将“包容性设计”从设计方法提升为全民共识。新浪家居作为首席战略合作媒体将带你领略设计节最精彩信息。
本次751设计节中,《虚无7.0》展览将再次升级持续热潮。由视觉艺术家丁东带领其团队DING DONG STUDIO,与神秘音乐人展开跨界合作,构建出脱离现实世界,由时间、空间与光组成的视觉作品。
虚无V7.0 Coming Soon
“虚无”同时也是一个开放的梦,在视觉装置基础上,我们与各领域的艺术家合作。经过李霄云,邵彦棚的音乐创作, 虚无5.0与6.0得以完整呈现。全新的“虚无”将延续这个传统,Soulspeak的音乐会与所有人一起开启这段旅程。
When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.
If the creator has to choose, he would rather choose a blank canvas. It is a space that cannot be defined by language, nor will it bring you anywhere. A pipe, a space, a hole, a cave ... When you put your head into the place of curiosity and leave your buttocks out there in the dangerous reality, whether you take a glimpse or dive into it, your mind will be different from anyone who is standing beside you.
La Piece Vide Version is an art installation constructed by time, space and light. Along with the video and sound technologies, Dingdong has a deeper exploration of SPACE.
The artist wants the audience to look straight into their inner void. As a professional stage director, Dingdong did not want to consider too much about "meaning", but just a place for reflecting upon your feelings. With the physical senses of the razors to tear out those silly coat, hopefully it reveals your charming and deeply confused body.
"I was alone like a tunnel. The birds fled from me. And night swamped me with its crushing invasion."
新媒体艺术家丁东和他带领的DING DONG STUDIO主要关注新媒体,现场视觉与舞台表演领域的设计。
即使你对丁东的艺术项目还有些陌生,你也会惊讶的发现,在舞台上,你早已与他的作品相遇:新裤子、Cat Power、后海大鲨鱼、李霄云、杭盖、各大音乐节、谢天笑、万青、还有朋友圈疯传的小视频Chi Zhang大秀与Vice大趴,他都是背后的光影魔术师。他所呈现每一场舞台视觉,都是一个独立的艺术作品,而不是“某场音乐会”的附属。
Even if you are a little unfamiliar to his art project, you must be surprised that you've already meet with his work in some other places — he is the lighting master behind New Pants, Cat Power, Big shark Queen, Li Xiaoyun, Hanggai and music festivals such as Strawberry Festival, Tianmo Music and more. Every stage design is not simply a visual for concert but an independent artwork created by the team.
“A stage has its own soul, as it delivers ideas to the audience.
It could be a blending unity of different levels of aesthetics, or even a new way of thinking.”
>>> 音乐合作:Soulspeak
来自洛杉矶的美籍华裔超级制作人,电子音乐人和DJ,东西方跨界最值得关注的声音。他曾参与全球多个著名音乐节,还在洛杉矶音乐厂牌Future Stress和英国BBE唱片公司合作发行数张专辑。此外,他也为多名世界级音乐人制作和混音。带着美国的开放视野,和中国的睿智含蓄,Soulspeak的现场和创作充满融合的魅力。
Kai Luen aka "Soulspeak" is a Chinese-American producer, composer, and DJ from Los Angeles, California and currently based in Beijing. His music is a combination of bass, noise, environmental sound recording, and organic instruments and has been touted as a producer to watch out for by CNN and Juno.
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