目心设计新作 | 在一座白色花园里办公是怎样一种体验?

icon 2019-04-17 17:35:24
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摘要:Muxin Studio新办公室,一个纯粹的办公生态花园空间,每个人的花园。


Office with numerous gardens

Muxin Studio 新办公室意在创造出一个纯粹的办公生态花园空间,他们将6个不同层级的花园编织在一个120平米的办公空间内,使得每个空间的使用者都拥有生态花园。通过置入众多水平与垂直的微小花园实现空间区域的划分,这些花园成为各个区域的自然界限,使得小空间中各区域既相互渗透又保证了必要的私密性,同时也极大地丰富了空间体验。

The new office of Muxin Studio aims to create a pure office with garden space. They weave 6 different levels of gardens in a 120 square meter office space, giving each space user an ecological garden. By inserting a number of horizontal and vertical gardens to divide such an areas , these gardens become the natural boundaries of each area, allowing the areas in the small space to penetrate each other and ensure the necessary privacy, while also greatly enriching the space experience. 


The design pays more attention to the relationship between people, nature and space, and it’s an atmosphere, not the physical sense of space itself. Designers strive to reflect what people experience in space, and dialogue with nature. We blur the boundaries of interior and exterior, and integrate the interior with landscape. "Eco-Garden Office Concept" is an exploration of the humanized office model, which is the mixing of office, nature and life scenes.

▽连续的平面布局,Continuous Floor Plans

▽ 室内场景概念 Indoor scene concept

▽ 平面布置图 Layout




White can be interpreted as empty in a sense, 

as Richard Meyer said: 

"White is a symbol of purity, transparency and perfection."


The design has no any kind of material or color interference, and the use of pure white space strengthens the relationship and atmosphere of the space, while making the indoor plants lush and tranquil. The designer tries to create a variety of garden spaces in the space. The continuous plane layout is in a closed, semi-transparent, transparent space. 

▽干净通透的外立面 Clean and transparent facade

▽随时随地的阅读空间 Reading space 

▽被花园环绕的茶水区 Rest area surrounded by garden


A large area of transparent, semi-transparent partitions intertwine with the garden to create a more soft space boundary. The open tea area and conference area are surrounded by gardens to form a small island in the park. Foldable glass partitions provide the privacy and the flexibility for the meeting room. Hidden at the end of the garden is a relatively private and independent office, in addition to some relatively small and versatile rooms can also be used as model room, while providing employees with a quiet work environment to focus on jobs.

▽可开合的会议室 Openable meeting room


Conference area - "island" floating in the garden


Independent office area at the end of the garden

▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽充满趣味性的垂直流线 Interesting vertical streamline


The staircase leading to the second floor is light and powerful. The second-floor office area is connected to the “patio”on the first floor. Through this part of the gray space, the plants growing in the original old space are penetrated up and down, and the air is freely circulated in the gap, blurs the indoor and outdoor, the landscape at the space gap becomes the “external sense”of the original space.

▽充满节奏感的楼梯 Rhythmic stairs

▽自然生长的生态花园 Naturally grown eco-garden

办公区 Working Space


The white space is conducive to the focus of the work, and the second floor office provides a wide, integrated workbench for the designers. Customized shared desktops make it easy to move from single-person work to teamwork. The various lines are hidden inside the table. The working storage unit is distributed along the side walls of the office, enough to accommodate the items of everyone. A tall plant grows through the tiny atrium to the second floor, allowing one or two floors to have more communication in the vertical direction, while also dividing the large work area on the second floor into two units.

▽休憩讨论区 Rest and discuss area


The tall plant on the first floor extends to the second floor through the atrium


Private work garden, enclosed work area


The rich and varied plant species constitute different levels of gardens, so that every corner can be filled with green. Natural and transparent are the theme that the whole space follows. Users can escape the reality of urban smog, just like being in a quiet natural garden, relaxing the body and mind in the intense work, and improving work efficiency.


Display area hidden in the garden

▽展示区细部 Details of display area


The low garden at the entrance serves as a buffer for indoor and outdoor, and is also a mutual display area. The studio's model is interspersed with it, and the scale of the garden has changed dramatically, making the garden level more interesting.

▽照明细部 Details

▽剖面图 Section











Address: Changning District, Shanghai

Project Type: Office Design

Design content: interior design

Area: 118 ㎡

Design time: 2018.07—2018.09

Construction time: 2018.09—2018.11

Design team: Yves Zhang, Leo Sun, Jiang Dawei, Zhu Liyan, Yang Yalei

Photographer: Zhang Daqi. Wu Yue

Company website: www.muxinstudio.com


目心设计创始人:孙浩晨(左)& 张雷(右)


自成立以来,目心设计研究室的工作与作品赢得了国内外专业媒体与奖项的持续关注与好评,包括美国室内建筑杂志(Interior Design),纽西兰诠释杂志(Trends),韩国Archiworld杂志,设计家杂志(Designer&Designing),《安邸AD》杂志,精品家居杂志(Residence),现代装饰杂志(Modern Decoration),上海室内杂志(Shanghai Interior),英国Dezeen.com,美国Archdaily.com,德国Dizn.com,Gooood.com,Archilover.com,Designboom.com等众多世界知名印刷、网络以及电视媒体广泛报道。

目心研究室也在各大权威设计大奖中屡获殊荣。2018年中国室内设计新势力榜上海榜TOP 10,2017年《DOMUS》“创意青年100+”,2016年当选谷德《GOOOOD》“20位有趣的设计师代表”,太平洋家居PCHOUSE TOP 100等。设计作品获得包括GERMAN DESIGN AWARD 2019 德国国家设计大奖,ICONIC AWARDS 2018德国标志性大奖,中国室内设计金堂奖, BEST100中国最佳设计,亚太空间设计大奖赛一等奖,中国(上海)室内总评榜,金外滩奖,艾特奖,现代装饰国际传媒奖等。

— END —

文/图 - 目心设计

编辑 - 贺艳



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