
icon 2019-03-18 22:12:07
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摘要:设计师李昱专栏NO.7 | 设计师季裕棠独家揭秘瑰丽酒店的设计物语





      李昱毕业于伦敦艺术大学室内空间专业,文学硕士学位。以时间为节点的叙事性设计风格在酒店设计行业里独树一帜,以每一个独一无二的设计代表唯一的故事著称。曾获得香港室内设计大赛商业组别特殊荣誉和住宅组别冠军,以及任职于全球酒店设计翘楚的Hirsh Bedner & Associates 香港公司和墨尔本公司中国项目总监和设计总监。

本期采访人物——设计师季裕棠Tony Chi

李昱:You must travel around the world often, which city/country gives you most impressive memory… ? ( pls provide images if possible)


Tony:The world is both vast and small, and the places that impress upon my memory the most are those that elicit strong feelings of camaraderie, family, culture and home. It’s no secret that I spend time among seemingly farflung places, whether its Taipei, Buenos Aires, or New York. Taipei is the city of my youth, which I’ve rediscovered more recently, ready and willing to appreciate its nostalgic serenity, simplicity and green, while Buenos Aires is my home “down South,” where it’s all about revelry, celebration and coming together. Argentina’s capital is full of this incredible hospitality and warmth, and there’s no place like it during polo season, when the sunlight casts a golden glow on the jacaranda trees in full bloom. As for New York, it is where I’ve spent the most time in my life, this dynamic, concrete jungle of skyscrapers and dreams that has allowed me to build a home base, and my studio and home of life, love and design.




李昱:Discribe the area your NYC office located and your home located please… 


Tony:We’re located in one of the most coveted locations in downtown Manhattan, Hudson Square, off Varick, between Dominick and Broome. It’s where myriad creatives and innovative companies from fashion to tech converge in these massive, loft buildings and spaces just footsteps from Soho to the West, Tribeca to the South, and further north, the Village. As for my home, I’ve always loved living in Midtown, right across from Central Park, a verdant retreat in Manhattan’s pulsing heart. It’s the perfect place to be for a morning jog or stroll right before the city begins to wake up.






李昱: Do you prefer your own “ style”? Or not…? 


Tony:We each have our individual preferences and tastes, which of course, is our business. While it influences our process and work, to curate, collect and constantly refine, we always take into consideration our clients and guests, and imagine spaces that will best suit their interests and needs, offering them delights and surprises they didn’t even know they’d need. This is part of the fun for any project, that continual practice and process of defining and fine-tuning, that only gets stronger with time’s passing.



李昱:  From 1930…to 2010, which era inspire you for your design? 


Tony:Today couldn’t happen without yesterday, so I'm always eternally grateful for all that’s occurred in the past, whether personally or professionally. In terms of inspiration, it depends on my mood or the task at hand. For a property like Rosewood, we were moved by turn-of-the-century Arts and Crafts movements, like the Vienna Secession, and the use of incredibly rich, pure material and handiwork that’s more contemporary Deco, that can endure, withstanding the test of time. I also love the fundamental premise of Bauhaus, post-World War I, whose “less is more” approach, with form following function, is also one of my studio’s main mantras.




李昱:Apart form, color and space, light and art…, all of these visible elements, some invisible elements you use for Rosewood Hotel HK? ( pls provide images if possible)


Tony:So much of Rosewood Hong Kong is about feeling, that which you cannot necessarily see or touch, but perceive when you walk through from either grand entrances, and move through the public spaces in its thoughtful array of rotundas, chambers and corridors. There’s no question that it’s overall sentiment is that of a vertical, family estate on the majestic Victoria Harbour, and one that’s magnificent, show-stopping and transforming the community and cityscape which it now lives. Everything we did, in terms of the tangible, from fine artwork to bespoke furniture and finishings, interplays with the intangible, creating an impressive air of stateliness, dignity and beauty. 


李昱:How would you identify HK from NYC, Tokyo and London? ( do you speak a little Cantonese…:)? 


Tony:I don’t speak Cantonese save for a few colloquialisms, but I do love Hong Kong. It’s such a unique island-city that’s steeped in history and heritage of multiple influences, be it Chinese or British. It’s a hotbed of creativity and commerce that simply doesn’t exist anywhere else, with such a unique culture, it’s no wonder it has earned its reputation as the “Pearl of the Orient.” I’ve been fortunate to have worked here over decades, whether it was shaping Lan Kwai Fong in its very nascent stages, or now, Rosewood Hong Kong at Victoria Dockside, this city is always a joy.




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