
(自左至右: 阳光保险集团综合部总经理周向阳先生; 伍兹贝格合伙人翁捷女士; 龙湖集团总设计师, 商业地产副总经理唐初旦先生; 伍兹贝格董事会主席Clive Williams先生; 石家庄国际会展中心建设工程指挥部副总指挥, 指挥部办公室主任敦建伟先生; 万科集团执行副总裁,北京万科总经理毛大庆先生; 伍兹贝格亚洲执行主席Vince Pirrello 先生共同参加剪彩仪式。
Left to Right: Mr. Xiangyang Zhou, Comprehensive Department General Manager of Sunshine Insurance Group; Ms. Jean Weng, Principal of Woods Bagot; Mr. Chudan Tang, Chief Design Director and Deputy General Manager of Longfor Group; Mr. Clive Williams, Board Chairman of Woods Bagot; Mr. Jianwei Dun, Vice Commander in Chief of Shijiazhuang International Exhibition & Convention Centre Construction Headquarters; Mr. Daqing Mao, Executive Vice President of Vanke Group and General Manager of Beijing Vanke; Mr. Vince Pirrello, Asia Executive Chairman of Woods Bagot。)
“北京新工作室的落成反应了伍兹贝格全球业务的持续增长。我们必须感谢所有的客户和合作伙伴,我们在中国以至整个亚洲地区的成绩离不开你们的支持。” 伍兹贝格亚洲执行主席Vince Pirrello先生说。
我们将继续致力于引领设计创新及可持续性发展方面的知识和专业技能,进一步提高整体建筑设计水平” Vince Pirrello继续。
In the heart of Beijing’s vibrant design district, Sanlitun North Village, Woods Bagot launched their next generation global design studio to over 300 guests including distinguished government officials from Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China。
“The launch of our new studio here in Beijing reflects the success and continuing growth of our global firm. A thank-you must go out to all of our clients and partners C without your support here in Beijing and throughout Asia we simply could not have achieved this,” said Vince Pirrello, Asia Executive Chairman, Woods Bagot。
Designed in-house, The Beijing Design Studio boasts world-class design typologies promoting a notion known as ‘Real Time Working’; creating environments that assign space based on task - where “follow me” technology, mobility, trust and business performance are the key drivers。
Currently with over seventy staff, Woods Bagot’s Beijing studio continues to enjoy rapid growth with an influx of both urban design and architecture projects across Asia such as the award winning Shijiazhuang International Convention & Exhibition Centre。
“I am confident that with the expansion of the Beijing studio, together with another 13 studios across the globe, we will continue to deliver some of the most extraordinary and award-winning architecture designs for our clients in the region,
We remain committed to bringing to the market our knowledge and expertise to further raise the overall Chinese architectural benchmark, in terms of design innovation and environmental sustainability,” continued Vince。
In December of last year, Woods Bagot celebrated 25 years in Asia. With representatives now located in Vietnam and Mumbai, the next five years will see Woods Bagot moving further into South East Asia and towards the swiftly growing Vietnam and India markets。
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